Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Who Spilled the Coffee?

I did! A few weeks ago, my dear friend Mackenzie gave me a brilliant art idea: spilled coffee designs on paper! I was interested immediately and set to work.

First, I took a mug of pre-made black coffee, gathered a stack of paper, and went outside to complete the project. The paper I used was a variety of sorts: toothed paper, sketch book paper, even pages from old novels! I began by spilling little splotches of coffee here and there on a no-spill cutting board. Then I took a piece of paper and lightly dropped it on the board, without pressing down. For some of my pieces, I let the coffee drip down the page. Another method I used consisted of taking a piece of paper and swiveling my mug around until it spilled messily on the page. In addition, I used the spillage on the page to create circles when pressing the base of the coffee mug on the paper. The goal here was "natural" spills and rings!

I left my designs outside to dry for close three hours. I found that for darker coffee stains, a great deal of coffee was needed, to the point where it pooled on the page. Darker designs took much longer to dry as well. The lighter designs reminded me of water colors (: 

I was quite pleased with my results! I can't thank Miss Mackenzie enough. It was such a creative idea! I will use my coffee-stained paper for writing favorite quotes and letters to pen pals. Another bonus of this art project: wonderfully smelling paper!

My mug of coffee prior to spilling.
Splatters- still wet!

I loved using old book pages for this project!


One of my lighter works.





Mackenzie and I met up at Starbucks a few days after I tried out her unique idea. I got to show her my results! So glad that I always have people in my life to inspire me.
The next time coffee spills accidentally, I guarantee I won't be so angry!


  1. So beautiful honey :) Love your works so and that really is a super idea.

    M xx

    1. Thank you dear (: I was proud of the end results. I must thank my friend for the idea! I hope to try it again sometime soon; it was a ton of fun. Glad you like my work, M(:
