Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Snow: a beautiful, magical sight that always brings joy and delight in my house during the winter months.

 My family and I  were so lucky to get a great amount of sparkly white flakes during my Christmas break last week. The world around our home was transformed into a pretty white box. I loved the way the snow held onto the trees' branches, covered our lawn, and decorated our neighborhood woods across the way. It was a magical sight to see, and I am happy to have captured a few special moments of the snow falling with my camera.



The snowy weather was great for the majority of the time it was falling, however, power lines went down around our city and many were without power. I am thankful that nothing of the sort happened to my house, and still continue to pray for those just recovering from the storm. 

Temperatures also fell into the negatives, which was a bit scary to endure. I especially felt bad for Libby, our golden retriever, because her paws froze each time she went out! :( My family managed to stay warm inside, watching movies and drinking hot cocoa.


The winter storm helped me to slow down, spend my time wisely, and appreciate the littler things in life. I got to make letters and stationary, read, and spend quality moments with my family. 

Another bonus of the storm: four snow days! My winter break was extended, and I truly got to experience the definition of "relaxation". This is one snow storm that will not be forgotten!



Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merry 2014!

It is hard to believe that 2013 is over! This past year flew by for me and my family, but it was filled with joy, happiness, hope, and special memories that I will cherish forever. Some of my favorite memories for this past year were traveling to Florida to visit family, discovering a love for photography and art, and also making friends through letters across the country. I couldn't be more thankful for my pen pals, like Maddy, and the love that they send.

2013 was a year of learning as well. I took my first art class since sixth grade, and what a refreshing semester that was! Through this experience, I found out what I want to do later in life: become an art teacher. It was a truly magical moment when I figured this out for myself! I can't help feeling excited and determined to fulfill my goals down the road.

One of my favorite quotes is "she saw every ending as a new beginning" and this is true regarding 2013 coming to a close and 2014 starting off. I am excited to find out what this year has in store for me and those around me. I will always remember 2013, but I am ready for the adventure of the new year! Happy New Year everyone!

As I go about 2014, I have set a few goals for myself: 1) To have more confidence, to speak up, and share my opinion
2) To read the entire bible by the end of the year
3) To continue to meet others through letters and post
4) To spend more time with others, not on a screen

Here's to 2014!
New Years Eve included a photo shoot with some of my favorites. I received a tripod for Christmas, so I was able to jump into the pictures as well! That was so rewarding. Fun night! 

2014 Here we come!

Yummy Treats

One of my most favorite traditions over Christmas Break is making delicious treats with my mom. We usually put together various kinds of cookies, pies, or cakes for the holidays. Sometimes we deliver little baskets of goodies to neighbors or bring them to my parents' work, but most of the time, my brother and I devour them while watching Christmas movies, doing puzzles, or playing board games.

This Christmas and New Years, my mom and I made three types of cookies: Hershey Kisses Blossoms, Thumbprints, and Cut -out Sugar Cookies along with a scrumptious Peppermint Pie, which is an old family favorite. My dad had the pie for dessert every Christmas when he was a boy! Grandma was kind enough to give me the recipe, and ever since, we have been following her tradition.

I tell you, there is something special about the taste of a Christmas cookie that brings a smile to a person's face, no matter what their current mood is. I find that enchanting and wonderful. For a few minutes, a person can experience a little taste of greatness with a cookie, and that is why I absolutely love making them and giving them to others, especially around the holidays.

Hershey Kisses Blossoms- my brother's favorite and mine as well!
The recipe came from my mom's old Hershey cookbook and can be found here.

Cut-Out Sugar Cookies. Mom bought new cookie cutters
this year. We were quite happy with them.

Stacked, and freshly baked!

I spent one morning frosting these little delights.
What a fun mess that was!

My favorite shape was the Christmas tree.
The recipe for the cookies and frosting are from Betty Cocker. Can't go wrong there!
This Christmas, we decided to try baking a new cookie: Thumbprints. For the center, I used my own homemade jam from this past summer!
They were yummy on their own, but truly tasted fantastic with a glass of milk or hot chocolate.
Find out how to make them here.

Crushing candy canes for the pie. Hard work, but so colorful
and they smelled delicious! 
Our family favorite is definitely Peppermint Pie! This Christmas season, I made it all by myself.
It turned out great; my family loved it!
...And now I must go to the gym to whip myself back into shape after tasting all these goodies! (: