Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merry 2014!

It is hard to believe that 2013 is over! This past year flew by for me and my family, but it was filled with joy, happiness, hope, and special memories that I will cherish forever. Some of my favorite memories for this past year were traveling to Florida to visit family, discovering a love for photography and art, and also making friends through letters across the country. I couldn't be more thankful for my pen pals, like Maddy, and the love that they send.

2013 was a year of learning as well. I took my first art class since sixth grade, and what a refreshing semester that was! Through this experience, I found out what I want to do later in life: become an art teacher. It was a truly magical moment when I figured this out for myself! I can't help feeling excited and determined to fulfill my goals down the road.

One of my favorite quotes is "she saw every ending as a new beginning" and this is true regarding 2013 coming to a close and 2014 starting off. I am excited to find out what this year has in store for me and those around me. I will always remember 2013, but I am ready for the adventure of the new year! Happy New Year everyone!

As I go about 2014, I have set a few goals for myself: 1) To have more confidence, to speak up, and share my opinion
2) To read the entire bible by the end of the year
3) To continue to meet others through letters and post
4) To spend more time with others, not on a screen

Here's to 2014!
New Years Eve included a photo shoot with some of my favorites. I received a tripod for Christmas, so I was able to jump into the pictures as well! That was so rewarding. Fun night! 

2014 Here we come!


  1. You are the sweetest, Emily :) I am So super honored to be connected with you through mail and photos. i feel we have been friends for a long time, you know? What lovely goals for 2014 and some the same as mine ;) Two peas in a pod we are.

    I am so delighted for you that you know you want to be an art teacher, that is magical to have that feeling for who you want to become. Sending my brightest your way for this adventure!

    Love your photo shoot :) A tripod is a must and i'm so glad you have one too!

    Maddy from California :) xx

    1. I am honored to write letters to you as well my dear! And Yes! I feel that we have been friends for forever now. (: I can't wait for our upcoming letters! I made stationary today! Happy 2014 once again! This year will be great.
